How do you Define Leadership (Part 1)

Winston and Patterson (2006) “uncovered over 90 variables that may comprise the whole of leadership, and also reviewed 160 articles and books that contained a definition, a scale, or a construct of leadership.”
The authors then proposed an integrative definition of leadership encompassing the 90 plus variables that may help researchers and practitioners to more fully understand the breadth and scope of leadership” (Winston, B. E. & Patterson, K., 2006). I will integrate the research with the resonant leadership styles discussed by Goleman, Boyatis, and McKee (2013).
In examining the research, I will: a) provide an integrated definition of leadership, b) describe and focus on three of the components of the definition, c) argue for the viability of the definition, d) apply the definition to current competencies, and e) create a long-term stretch goal.
The three dimensions of leadership that I found interesting and reflect my personal assessments are:
- Leaders have one or more followers who have diverse gifts,
- leaders use both persuasive rhetoric and interpersonal communication including both active listening and positive discourse, and
- leaders cause followers to willingly and enthusiastically expend spiritual, emotional, and physical energy.
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