Former NFL Players, We Need Your Help

I can’t believe summer is just around the corner. So, if you’re anything like me, it’s time to get focused on getting your beach body ready.
I keep telling my kids this is the year I take my shirt off at the beach and show my “guns”; that’s biceps for the politically correct. Yet, my kids kindly reply “Dad showing your gut is “not a thing”. Heartbroken, I feel they could have put it more mildly and said your stomach’s not ready.
But being in good shape, especially as a former player, isn’t always about what we can see, when the shirt is on, or when we’re flashing the guns. No, we need to make sure we’re keeping on top of our health, both mental and physical!
One thing I know is the Football Players Health Study (FPHS) at Harvard IS READY to help us understand health and the conditions unique to football players. If you’re a former NFL player participating in this study is a must.
Read up on the significance of the study below.
The Football Players Health Study(FPHS) says, “…study is working on prevention, diagnostics, and treatment strategies for the most common and severe conditions affecting professional football players. We are focused on the integrated health of football players, not solely one concern or condition. Our work is on the cutting edge, pushing innovative ideas forward and turning discovery into therapy. In addition, the Study is working to understand the legal and ethical issues that may promote or impede player well-being and developing responsive recommendations to resolve them. In order to determine what these issues are and what is important to former players, we are gathering input and listening to them.
FPHS also says, “We are the largest study to date of living former players, with over 4,000 participants as of May 2019. We are a comprehensive study that is examining all health concerns – in essence, becoming the “home” study for all former players. We are working to use the collective knowledge of former players and scientists, and to translate this into action, which will lead to improving the quality of life for football players. The Study is player-led and player-supported, and we intend to share results and new discoveries with you, the former players. We are not directed by any external agencies, and as a university we maintain independence and report the facts. We listen to former players and incorporate their input”
As a Player Advisor for the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University, I know this study is different. It’s extremely important that you participate in this research to improve the health and wellbeing of former NFL players. This study is led by players and focused on finding answers.
I really need your help.
Click here or call the team directly at 617-432-5000 to join the Study.
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